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O Skin-Inject Roller

O Skin-Inject Derma Roller utilises 600 gamma-sterilised, micro-needles to effectively and visibly rejuvenate and regenerate the skin’s own natural healing response. Regular rolling enhances product infusion supporting skin goals, radiance, and youth! The O Skin-Inject Derma Roller supports:

  • CIT Collagen Induction Therapy
  • SRT Scar Reduction Therapy
  • Cosmedical Product Infusion
  • Skin Aging
  • Lines and Wrinkles
  • Acne and Pimples
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Pigmentation
  • Body Stretch Marks
  • Refreshed, Revived and Awakened Complexion

Good to know: For an advanced treatment; cleanse well, apply your O serums and roll over the top. Finish with your favourite O hydrator or Hydra Plus Sleep-In Mask for the perfect home facial!


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